Cursos disponibles

This online course offers a dynamic and interactive approach to the question of youth participation in electoral processes and constitutes an important knowledge tool for electoral management bodies (EMBs). It aims to provide key understanding of the barriers youth are facing to participate and engage actively in political life of their countries. The course discusses strategies and provides entry points for EMBs to overcome these obstacles and to make sure that all segments of the society are empowered to participate to electoral processes.

The course will also explore innovative solutions to protect youth from being exploited by unscrupulous politicians and potentially involved in electoral violence. Finally, the eLearning sheds light on how these objectives can be linked to the indicators of SDGs, in particular Goal 16.

This e-learning offers a description of the main options of Result Management Systems (RMS). The various E-learning modules aim to shed some light on the various models of results management systems currently in use, highlighting advantages and disadvantages of each. The e-learning is geared towards election administrators, practitioners and stakeholders. The purpose is to increase the understanding of the different models and sub-models of results management systems and facilitate the selection of the most appropriate RMS option specific to the country context and also the one most likely to be accepted by stakeholders on the ground.

English العربية

The aim of the conference captured by this report was to expand discussion of electoral processes beyond the technical, allowing for a more in-depth focus on the involvement and approach of the full range of stakeholders, including political parties and candidates, the media, domestic and international observers, civil society, electoral justice, other state institutions and the international community.

English Français العربية

The course is aimed at introducing and discussing all aspects related to the sustainability of electoral administration and it has been developed to assist Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) and electoral assistance experts to reflect on all aspects that have an impact on the sustainability of electoral processes, providing comparative information, data, experience and possible models of electoral administration.

English Português Français العربية

This course aims at helping EU delegation and UNDP country offices staff in formulating and implementing electoral assistance projects in the context of the EC-UNDP partnership.

English Português Français

We believe that, once you have completed the course, your decisions will be better informed and the elections processes you manage (or assist or observe) will be more successful and sustainable.

الدورة متوفرة في اللغات التالية : English Português Français العربية

Este curso ha sido diseñado para profesionales electorales que buscan apoyo con miras a la celebración de elecciones creíbles, transparentes e incluyentes a las que tengan acceso todos los segmentos de la sociedad. El curso va dirigido a administradores electorales, proveedores de asistencia electoral internacionales, la sociedad civil, candidatos políticos, miembros de partidos políticos y a todos los demás ciudadanos que trabajen en la administración pública o tengan interés en ésta.

English Français Español